Table Data Alignment



<td align = "left"> A few words, align­ed at the left. </td> <td align = "center"> A few words, cen­ter­ed. </td> <td align = "right"> A few words, align­ed at the right. </td> <td> A few words, align­ed in the default way within the cell. </td> <td align = "jus­ti­fy"> A few words, jus­ti­fied left and right. </td>
<td align = "left" valign = "top"> A few words, align­ed at the left, flush with the top of the cell. </td> <td align = "center" valign = "top"> A few words, cen­ter­ed, flush with the top of the cell. </td> <td align = "right" valign = "top"> A few words, align­ed at the right, flush with the top of the cell. </td> <td valign = "top"> A few words, flush with the top of the cell. </td> <td align = "jus­tify" valign = "top"> A few words, jus­ti­fied left and right, flush with the top of the cell. </td>
<td align = "left" valign = "middle"> A few words, align­ed at the left, cen­ter­ed ver­ti­cal­ly in the cell. </td> <td align = "center" valign = "middle"> A few words, cen­ter­ed hor­i­zon­tal­ly and ver­ti­cal­ly in the cell. </td> <td align = "right" valign = "middle"> A few words, align­ed at the right, cen­ter­ed ver­ti­cal­ly in the cell. </td> <td valign = "middle> A few words, cen­ter­ed ver­ti­cal­ly in the cell. </td> <td align = "jus­tify" valign = "middle"> A few words, jus­ti­fied left and right, cen­ter­ed ver­ti­cal­ly in the cell. </td>
<td align = "left" valign = "bot­tom"> A few words, align­ed at the left, flush with the bot­tom of the cell. </td> <td align = "center" valign = "bot­tom"> A few words, cen­ter­ed, flush with the bot­tom of the cell. </td> <td align = "right" valign = "bot­tom"> A few words, align­ed at the right, flush with the bot­tom of the cell. </td> <td valign = "bot­tom> A few words, flush with the bot­tom of the cell. </td> <td align = "jus­tify" valign = "bot­tom"> A few words, jus­ti­fied left and right, flush with the bot­tom of the cell. </td>


